February 2019

Intern with the Maddox Charitable Fund!

UPDATE 4/15/2019: This position has been filled. For any questions or if you are interested in a similar opportunity, please contact Joseph – [email protected]

Over the past year, we have been exploring the role of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in our work and the work of our nonprofit partners.  The purpose of this research position is to find a better understanding of how our nonprofit partner organizations understand DEI, how it currently shapes their work, and what they need to advance equity in their mission.  The opportunity will provide graduate-level students learning experiences in research, nonprofit work, and philanthropy. To learn more about this opportunity and to apply, please see our job posting on Center for Nonprofit Management:

Intern with the Maddox Charitable Fund! Read More »

Maddox Sponsors Anti-Racism Training at Center for Nonprofit Management

“Not everything that is faced can be changed,  but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” James Baldwin

“If not now, when?  If not us, who?”    John Lewis

“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”   Hopi Nation Elders

Over the past year, the Maddox Charitable Fund has been talking about equity. While we are early in our journey, we are convinced that we can’t walk alone; we need partners to create a strong movement for change.

The Maddox Charitable Fund, along with the HCA Foundation, The Healing Trust and the Metro Arts Commission, is partnering with Center for Nonprofit Management to bring Crossroads’ anti-racism training back to Nashville.  Education is the first step in order to chart a transformative course.

We invite our partners to consider an available training in 2019 (see descriptions and registration below).  If you need scholarship assistance to participate, please contact us.  Don’t let registration fees stand in your way.

Later in the year, we will be hosting Maddox Listening Meetings to hear directly from our partners about your Diversity, Equity and Inclusion plans.  We want to learn from your ideas, directions and work, as well as listen to your concerns.  Please sign up for a session when the invitation is sent.

The Maddox Charitable Fund’s mission is only possible with strong nonprofit partners.  We’re thankful for your companionship on the road ahead.

Maddox Sponsors Anti-Racism Training at Center for Nonprofit Management Read More »

Maddox Stands to Protect the Clean Water Act. Join us!

Please join us by following this link and add your voice by submitting a public comment to protect our water before April 15.

Middle Tennessee’s waterways are plentiful and diverse.  We depend on our rivers and streams for drinking water, commercial navigation, recreation and the rich array of plants and animals that give our region its character and make it our home.  The Maddox Charitable Fund is opposed to any changes to the Clean Water Act or to definitions of “waters of the United States” that would remove existing protections of major waterways, their tributaries, adjacent wetlands and ephemeral streams.

Maddox Stands to Protect the Clean Water Act. Join us! Read More »