Vision & Culture

As a learning organization, Maddox embraces all stages of transformation and change toward liberation.

Our Vision

We seek a world in which people and planet flourish together in regenerative systems free from oppression and threat.

The Maddox Fund tends to its internal culture believing that how we work inside the foundation influences of all of our partnerships.  We see ourselves as an organic organization that will evolve over time in response to our environment and changing needs of our community.

Our Values

Our North Stars

The Maddox North Stars emerged out of our 2021 Equity Audit.  They serve as guides for how we operate as an organization and as a means of conceptualizing and assessing our work.  We will explore how we live into them on a regular basis and it is our belief that that these North Stars will evolve as our work and the needs of the community change.

Learning from Nature

The Maddox Fund looks to nature as we aspire to an internal eco-system of trust.  Through dwelling with nature, we observe:

For a full description of what we learn and what it means for the workplace, you can check out our full culture statement here.

Committed to Learning

The Maddox Fund is always approaching our work with humility and curiosity.  We recognize that painful seasons of awakening, wandering and releasing create fertile soil for reimagining our future.  We are committed to many awakenings and re-awakenings along the way.

image is adapted from GEO’s Seven Stages of Transformation