Equity Resources

Over the past four years, the Maddox Fund has been talking about racial equity, justice and liberation. While we are early in our journey, we are convinced that we can’t walk alone; we need partners so we can learn and change together.  This page includes resources that we have found useful and that have guided us as we think critically about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice and Liberation.

As an organization, we have made a commitment to racial equity.  Our learning continues and we invite you to explore these resources and ask that you give us your feedback.  If you have other resources, please share them with us so we can learn from one another.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice Resources

White Journey to Anti-Racism

 Implicit Bias

Internalized Racism

 Foundation Models

Workbooks and Resources

Advocacy & Systems Change


for education

Websites to Explore


for natural environment

Web Sites to Explore