Our thoughts have been with you over the past few weeks. Being connected to one another is a source of comfort in these trying times. The city of Nashville and our nonprofit community has inspired is since the tornado and encourages us as we face COVID-19.
To better support our nonprofit partners, the Maddox Fund is moving all 2019 Program Grants to Core Mission Support (unrestricted operating grants). We recognize the need for flexibility in funding to cope with the changing environment. The reports for these grants will not require partners to report on outcomes as data is less important at this moment, and in some cases, not likely to be available. Instead, the reports will involve more open-ended questions about what you are learning as we seek for what sustains us and gives us hope in uncertain times. Together, we hope to create a more resilient city.
In addition to this one-time conversion to Core Mission Support grants, Maddox is exploring other ways we can be supportive. If any partner needs to have a video conference call, we can make our Zoom account available to you. We can support up to 100 participants in call/video conferencing and webinar-style presentations with no restrictions on time. Please reach out to Joseph at [email protected] with the date and time of your meeting to set that up.
Our 2020 grant discernment process continues. The Maddox Grant committee is creative and moving forward on the same timeline with grant announcements anticipated in early May. If you have questions for the staff, we remain open and available. Email is the best way to contact us for now as staff is working from home.
Over the past two years, Maddox has been exploring what it means to create a more just and equitable community. Our equity imperative states that “undergirding this commitment is the conviction that all human beings are interconnected, not just with one another, but with all of nature – a belief that makes our desire to foster connection and a sense of belonging even more urgent.”
We are interconnected, our well-being is woven together with strong and fragile fibers. As we are reminded of that truth, let us also have compassion for one another and work toward building a more just world where healing is possible for all.