Contact Us

100 Taylor Street A-20
Nashville, TN 37208 -
(615) 385-1006 -
General Questions
[email protected]
The Maddox Fund is committed to being deeply rooted in the Middle Tennessee community. “Undergirding this commitment is the conviction that all human beings are interconnected, not just with one another, but with all of nature – a belief that makes our desire to foster connection and a sense of belonging even more urgent.” We believe that our shared liberation is intertwined—tied in a single garment of destiny.
Maddox staff is always available to you. Please reach out any time. If you prefer, you can use this link to submit feedback to a specific staff member or to the organization as a whole. Your viewpoint is valued and can make us better community members. Thank you in advance for your comments.
If your concern regards a violation of the law or compromises a widely shared ethical standard, you may choose to use our Whistleblower Hotline. You can submit an issue online, call +1-855-400-6009, or send an email [please include Maddox Fund in the subject line].