Grace M. Eaton Childcare



The Mission of Grace M. Eaton is to provide high quality educational opportunities to children and their families and to provide an unparalleled level of support structures to early educators.

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Grant Year Amount Program Name Program Area Description
2018 $12,500 STEAM Rollers Afterschool & Summer Camp Programs education Learn more

The STEAM Rollers Afterschool & Summer Camp Programs will create hands on enrichment opportunities as students explore the tenets of STEAM via innovative activites, research projects, field learning opportunities and the design/presentation of projects. Both programs will allow for material manipulation and a wide array of experiences across many spectrums.

2015 $9,000 GME Pre-School Readiness Program education Learn more

The GME Educational Program will continue to provide high quality early learning services to preschool children with a focus on increasing the capacity for greater educational outcomes for at risk underserved children; thereby, reducing risk for remedial education and grade repetition.