Junior Achievement of Middle Tennessee, Inc.



Junior Achievement inspires and prepares young people to succeed in the global economy.

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Grant Year Amount Program Name Program Area Description
2016 $20,000 Classroom Programming for Houston County and Rosebank Elementary education Learn more

A request for $20,000 will be applied towards classroom programming in Houston County and at Rosebank Elementary in East Nashville during the 2016-17 school year. Through this request, we intend to meet our 2016-17 goal of reaching up to 828 students in both Houston County and Rosebank Elementary.

2015 $20,000 Financial Literacy Programming for Houston County and East Nashville Classrooms education Learn more

JA’s in-class programming teaches K-12 students about financial literacy, business and economic fundamentals, career exploration, and workplace competencies. JA’s highly interactive programs are presented by volunteers from the community who expose students to a ‘real-world’ perspective, serve as positive role models, and mentor to students. Detailed curriculum at http://www.janash.com/classroom-programs/program-details.